I create aesthetic, minimalist web design solutions and brandings, combined with comprehensive brand strategies, to achieve an unforgettable high-class look that stays in your mind.
I create aesthetic, minimalist web design solutions and brandings, combined with comprehensive brand strategies, to achieve an unforgettable high-class look that stays in your mind.
Looking for an eye-catcher?
In a holistic process combining natural aesthetics, business strategy, and years of experience, we define your unique DNA. Every facet, every detail of your brand essence is meticulously crafted and immortalized in bespoke web design and branding concepts.
Here, fonts, colors, and moods blend into a visual presence of unparalleled beauty and significance.
No off-the-shelf elements—only designs that celebrate your personality and vision in a new, unprecedented way.
Let’s create eye-catching designs together
“Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.”
— Robert L. Peters
At a glance
Get to know me
Behind my creativity lies a versatile personality, nourished by elements of nature and diverse cultural influences. Discover the facets I can bring to your unique project.
My Portfolio
With years of experience as a web designer and branding expert, I translate your personality into a freshly imagined visual identity. My expertise combines craftsmanship with strategic thinking and aesthetic sensitivity.
Let’s talk
Let’s discuss your individual needs and brand visions. In an open conversation, we’ll exchange ideas on what makes your brand unique and how we can best visually showcase it.
The face behind the brand
As a surfer, freediver, and aquatic bodyworker, the essence of the ocean flows powerfully through me—multifaceted, adaptable, and ever-transforming. This oceanic energy accompanies my lifelong fascination with design, aesthetics, and the forms of nature. I’m Melli, born in the mountains of Munich, now calling Indonesia home.
Past voices of inspiring projects
What my clients say
Als kreative Visionärin übersetze ich deine einzigartige Persönlichkeit in fesselnde, unwiderstehliche Webdesigns und Markenauftritte mit hochwertig-ästhetischer Ausstrahlung.
Lass dich von der Magie ästhetischer, naturinspirierter Designs verzaubern — melde dich für meinen Newsletter an und erhalte jede Woche kostenlose Canva-Vorlagen und inspirierende Design-Tipps für deine Marke.
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